Fruits and Vegetables Have More Vitamin C Than Oranges

Fruits and Vegetables Have More Vitamin C Than Oranges

Vitamin C is a vitamin that is needed by the body, some of the functions or roles of vitamin C, among others, maintain the collagen structure, play an important role in helping the absorption of iron and sharpen awareness, As an antioxidant, capable of counteracting nitrites cause cancer, prevent disease scorbut or bleeding gums, and many more.

Most people know that orange is the only source of Vitamin C, but did you know that not a source of Vitamin C in orange alone but there are some other fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C, even its high content of Vitamin C in oranges exceeded.

Any fruits and vegetables that contain Vitamin C exceeding orange? We've provided the information, as well as the amount of Vitamin C contained in fruits and vegetables are quoted By comparison, the amount of vitamin C in orange 45 mg.

Pineapple number of its vitamin C content of 48 mg
Pineapple Fruits

Cauliflower number of its vitamin C content of 48 mg
Nutrition of Cauliflower

Strawberries number of its vitamin C content of 59 mg
Strawberries Fruits

Papaya number of its vitamin C content of 61 mg

Green peppers number of its vitamin C content of 80 mg
Green peppers for Healthy

Broccoli number of its vitamin C content of 89 mg
Benefits of Broccoli

Kiwi number of its vitamin C content of 93 mg
Benefits of Kiwi

Red peppers contain the amount of vitamin C 128 mg
Benefits of Red peppers

Guava number of its vitamin C content of 228 mg
Benefit of Guava

Those are some fruits and vegetables that have vitamin C greater than that of the orange. In addition to fruits and vegetables mentioned above there are also some fruits and vegetables are a source of vitamin C include Apple, Pomegranate, Grapefruit, Avocado, Soursop, Mango, Cantaloupe, and Tomato. (Source:

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