How to Get Beautiful Eyelashes Naturally?

Morning friends, most of us especially women,  we always want to get beautiful eyelashes. The eyes are part of the body that may be the main attraction for women. Beautiful eyes would be a desire, because the main beauty lies in the eye someone's face. Besides Alis most important thing to support one's beauty, especially for women is the eyelashes. Maybe this time the women can only rely on mascara or use false eyelashes to give the impression of thick and heavy on the lashes. Though getting beautiful eyelashes in Natural is very easy. How to ?

beautiful eyelashes

1. Olive oil
The content of vitamin E in the oil thousand of these benefits can be utilized to grow and melebatkan hair including eyelashes. It is very easy just by applying olive oil on the eyelashes like using mascara.

2.Aloe vera
Aloe vera has a variety of properties to the world of beauty, with proven benefits that can grow hair eyelashes. The trick is to use aloe vera mucus at the root of your lashes. Be careful when smeared, try not to hit the inside of the eyes because it can cause irritation to the eyes. Do this treatment every day in the morning.

3. Castor oil
Grow the eyelashes by using castor oil which do take one teaspoon of castor oil and add 2 teaspoons vanilla extract, then mix the two ingredients until evenly then apply on the lashes. Use a soft brush or brush mascara. Let the sending and wash the next morning after waking.

4. Coconut water
 The benefits of coconut water a lot, but to overcome the toxic effects of coconut water also contain anti-cancer, anti-aging, because it contains cytokinin, chlorine, potassium, and chlorine is high. For beauty, you can find coconut water and basuhkan on your face, it will eliminate acne scars, slows the aging process and which is necessary to lengthen the hair including eyelashes.

5. Pecan oil
Famous hazelnut have properties to thicken hair including eyelashes to grow. The trick apply hazelnut oil on the lashes and leave overnight. Then rinse in the morning.

6. Using Egg Whites
You should know that the lashes can fall at any time, as well as your hair. Therefore, you need to lash serum. You can take advantage of egg white. Egg whites are believed to strengthen the lashes. Mix the egg whites with the castor oil. Use at night before sleeping and wash in the morning.

7. Massaging Eyelid
Massage on the eyelids was found to stimulate the growth of your eyelashes. Do it in a gentle way so as not to hurt the eyes.

I hope , its useful to make our eyelashes more beautiful

Keywords: How to get beautiful eyelashes, how to get beautiful lower lashes, how to get beautiful eyelashes naturally, natural skincare, beauty tips

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