Kidney Diseases Make You Suffer

Kidney Diseases. Kidney is the one body organ which is very important, especially for digestion system, if this organ has a mistake so all of digestion system is also going to get a trouble most diseases such as renal calculus, kidney failure, kidney infection, glomerulonephritis / inflammation in the kidney, pyelonephritis.

Kidney disease that is very dangerous and kidney diseases have an indication but this is slowly to destroy your body and this is usually called the silent disease. Nature of kidney diseases just a make worse your condition so we must be attentive.

renal failure disease
Kidney Diseases

And this is some diseases which it is attacking your kidney if you don’t keep your kidney:

Renal calculus / kidney stone

Renal calculus is the one type of kidney diseases which it has been familiar because renal calculus has been suffered by most people, renal calculus is caused by gathering mineral and organic things in the kidney organ. But if just a little renal calculus, it will get out with urine. Some matter can cause or can be hardest kidney diseases is decreasing a dilution volume and heaped mineral in the kidney. So it will be caused to unbalance between dilution and condensation.

Renal Stone Disease
Kidney Stone

Kidney failure

Kidney failure is the one type kidney diseases which is very dangerous because this will be able to lose some function of kidney or even all functions of the kidney. Kidney failure is caused by unnatural medicines and organic condensation such as carbon tetrachloride, acetone, and mixed with metal compound such as tin and uranium. Kidney failure is also caused by diabetes and rate of calcium salt in the kidney is excess.     

Renal Failure Disease
Kidney Failure


Pyelonephritis is inflammation in system network of kidney and renal pelvis (a room has formed from extension back part of ureter Tubulus which it is channeled to urine and the bladder). Pyelonephritis is the one type kidney diseases which it is often found and Pyelonephritis is caused by bacteria and it can be chronic or acute.


Glomerulonephritis is the one type kidney disease and it is often so. Glomerulonephritis is caused by system, immune of your body is palsied. This symptom is any blood in urine, bloated in body network, and protein in the urine, which it is caused by streptococcal bacteria.

Kidney Glomerulonephritis

Glomerulonephritis is the one type kidney disease and it is often so. Glomerulonephritis is caused by system immune of your body is palsied. This symptom is any blood in urine, bloated in body network, and protein in urine which it is caused by streptococcal bacteria.

Remembering that kidney diseases are so sick, so we are careful with my body, especially the kidney. We have to keep our foods, and decreasing foods which it is like a fast food, etc. because it has a lot of textile colorant, but even if we are a human, so we have also to know, what is characteristic of kidney diseases, okay read this:

·     Queasy and puking, hard fever, and they often complained about sickness in the waist.
·    Something happens in legs and eyes and it is such as a bloated in the leg and also different color with urinary water.
·       Feeling pain in the bone and feeling sick when you were bringing out urine water to your body.
·        You often got up in your sleep, just for bringing out urine.
·        Decreasing lust of eat and your body weight is down.
·        Asthma is sudden and usually feeling suffocated and tired.

And that’s all characteristics of kidney diseases, so we have always to keep our body of everything especially foods. Actually kidney diseases are very dangerous and even if hardest, causing to deadness but it has been so suffering for so long if not directly to handle it. But if you have attacked a kidney disease, don’t worry, you are able to use a breadfruitleaf and I have said before. Accordingly, article about Kidney Diseases.

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